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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/03/2012
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen                             
Monday, 3 December 2012
Regular Meeting

The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 PM on Monday, 3 December 2012 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.

1. Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting 19 November 2012
Selectwoman Nosal moved to accept the minutes of Regular Meeting 19 November 2012 as presented.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  Selectman Sibley asked that the minutes reflect under New Business (d) that “Selectman Sibley requested that copies of minutes and meeting dates be sent to each of the two Beach Associations that are currently under consent order as well as the Federation of Beaches, and that First Selectwoman Reemsnyder would not commit at this time, but would take it under advisement.”  Selectwoman Nosal moved to amend the minutes to reflect Selectman Sibley’s request.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

2. Communications – NONE  

3.  Appointments – NONE 
There are no appointments at this time.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reminded the public that commitment letters are due back from people who are serving on a board or a commission and whose term ends in January 2013.

4.  Old Business
a. Storm Sandy Update – FEMA Meeting on 11/29/2012
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder gave a brief Storm Sandy update.  The Town continues to address the needs of residents.  Last Thursday evening there was a meeting with several representatives from FEMA, the SBA, business owners and residents.  FEMA, the SBA and Town officials addressed the questions and concerns of said business owners and residents.  Even though the deadline for bringing storm debris to the Town Transfer Station has passed, anyone who was not able to do this may stop at the Town Hall to ask for a permit, but are urged to do this as soon as possible.  The Town will be holding a Hazardous Waste Collection this Saturday, 8 December at the Public Works Garage.  The hours are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  This is a special situation that the Town is making available because of the storm. A group of community-minded individuals are assessing some of the families who are still in dire need and the Town is supporting their efforts.

b. BOS Meeting Schedule for 2013 – Approval
A change had been made to the schedule due to the District #18 School Calendar.  There will be only one meeting in February, and the second meeting in March will be on a Friday at 8:00 AM.  Selectman Sibley moved to accept the Schedule of Meetings for the Board of Selectmen for 2013.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

c. Fire Department Incentives Review Committee Charge
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder read her draft of the Charge of this Committee. Corrections: “tax abatement amount” will be changed to “tax abatement stipend” and Selectman Sibley requested that under the fourth bullet “which should” be changed to “which could”.

d. Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Review Meeting Schedule for Board of Selectmen
This meeting will be held on Thursday, 13 December.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder has prepared a draft agenda and a final agenda will be posted shortly.

5.  New Business  
a. Police and Fire Department Communications Request
This item was tabled.  

b. Police Boat Donation from Chester
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that the Town has been given the opportunity to get a new used Police Boat from the Town of Chester.  In 2002 Haddam had the CT Yankee Power Plant.  Because of its location and its susceptibility of terrorism, the Power Plant purchased a Police Boat for the Town of Chester and Haddam combined. This an opportunity for the Town to get a 2002 20-foot 6-inch Pioneer, center console with a trailer.  The boat has emergency lighting on it.  The Police Department is on board with this and will use their funds to pay for the markings.  Selectman Sibley moved to accept the very generous donation from the Town of Chester of one Police Boat as described by First Selectwoman Reemsnyder.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  There was a discussion of the history and age of the Town’s current Police Boat.  SO VOTED.

c. Homeland Security Grant Resolution
The Town will be getting funds from the CT Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security that would support the Regional Emergency Planning Team.  Old Lyme is in Region 4.  Each Town needs to make a Resolution for the Grant.  The Grant money is used to buy emergency equipment that can be shared by the towns in Region 4.  Selectman Sibley moved to approve authorization of this Resolution giving First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder authorization to accept money as described in this memo.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

6. Public Comment - NONE

7. Other Business
Selectwoman Nosal asked if there had been any follow-up from the Anti-Blight Committee.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that she had sent an email to the Chairman and the Secretary requesting that they hold another meeting to actually have a vote.  The Secretary did respond that the minutes of 11 July did reflect a recommendation, but First Selectwoman Reemsnyder felt that this was unclear when she reviewed said minutes.  There was a discussion of the minutes and the Selectmen felt that a consensus was not made by the Committee as to one recommendation.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder will respond to the email and articulate the fact that the Selectmen would like the Committee to hold another meeting and vote on their recommendation.

Selectwoman Nosal noted that two roads have been added as Town Roads but Village Estates has not been added to the Snow Plowing Policy list as of yet.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that she had already spoken to Ed Adanti about this.  A revision date will be added.

Selectwoman Nosal stated that she had gotten some requests from people in Town particularly regarding sidewalks.  She would like to bring this up when the Selectmen meet with Nicole.

Selectwoman Nosal stated that in attending Land Use meetings over the past month it seems that with some particular issues it is common to ask the other Land Use Boards or Commissions for referrals.  She suggested that these Boards and Commissions cc the Selectmen on these more important issues.  The Selectmen agreed that this would help to keep them better informed.  Selectman Sibley would like Ann Brown, the Town’s Land Use Coordinator to be included in any conversations.

Selectman Sibley inquired as to the status of the grant applications for the Hains Park Improvement Project (Boat House) and the Sound View Improvements. First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that with regard to the Sound View Improvements Grant she has been continuously asking about it.  At the federal level they have renamed the source of funds (the program that provides the funds).  They also have new requirements and that is taking time to understand, interpret and/or finalize.  They will give the funds to the projects that are most ready.  There was a discussion about how to approach this.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that she has seen no indication that any STEAP Grants have been approved, but she will make some inquiries.
The next Board of Selectmen's Meeting is scheduled for Monday 17 December at 7:30.

8.  Executive Session - NONE

9. Adjournment
Selectman Sibley moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 PM.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellen Garbarino
Recording Secretary